It's A Cinch Horsemanship, LLC
(520) 762-1096
(520) 425-6362
Lesson Policies
Riding Attire:
Students agree to come dressed to ride in proper riding attire consisting of:
1. Long pants: Jeans, breeches or riding tights.
2. Riding boots: Boots with a smooth sole and defined heel not more than 1½ inches high. (Under no circumstances will students wearing sneakers or sandals be allowed to participate in ANY Equine Activities.)
3. Fitted/Semi Fitted Shirt: Students will not be permitted to ride in loose or billowing clothes or dangling jewelry as it can pose a safety risk should loose items get caught/snagged on saddle or horse.
4. Appropriate accoutrements for the weather/season (gloves, ear warmers, cooling towel, etc.).
5. Riding Helmet: An ASTM approved riding Helmet must be worn at all times while participating in mounted Equine Activities. Students agree to furnish their own ASTM approved riding helmet within their first 4 riding lessons with It’s A Cinch Horsemanship, LLC. Stable owned helmets are available for student use for no more than the first 4 lessons. NOTE: Failure to arrive at lessons in proper riding attire including ASTM riding helmet will result in student not being permitted to ride or participate in that day’s Equine Activities.
Private 1-hour riding lessons are $65 per lesson. (Private lessons are extremely limited, please call for availability.)
All riding lesson spots are weekly and are paid for by monthly tuition*. All tuition* must be paid for in full by the month in advance to reserve your lesson spot for that month. Unpaid spots will not be held in the event of student’s absence for any reason. Group classes run for an hour and a half and lessons run weekly continuously throughout the year.
Monthly tuition* for 1 lesson per week is $200 ($50/lesson – 4 lessons per month).
Multi-lesson discounts: 2 lessons per week is $360 ($45/lesson – 8 lessons per month),
3 lessons per week is $516 ($43/lesson – 12 lessons per month)
*Tuition is for 4 lessons monthly and any months that have 5 lesson weeks in them are considered built in make-up days for stable closures (4 extra lessons per calendar year). Advanced notification will be given in the event that the stable will be closed for holiday or competitions; these lessons will not be credited or offer make-up classes as they have not been charged for, i.e., the aforementioned 4 extra lessons per calendar year.
Sibling discount for 2 or more children from the same family riding is , billed as $180 for each sibling.
Students starting group lessons mid-billing cycle will be charged the single lesson price of until the next full billing cycle.
(Riders must lesson at least 2x per week to be eligible to show lease for off-site competitions or events.)
Riding lessons are to be paid in full by the month in advance. Payment is due in full on or before the 7th of the month. Any payments outstanding after the 10th of the month will incur a $35 late fee. Invoices are sent out via PayPal invoice on the 25th of each month for the next month’s billing cycle.
Cash, Check, Venmo, or Zelle payments are accepted with no additional service charge if preferred to PayPal. If using an alternative payment method, PayPal invoices will be marked as paid by administration and will become your receipt once payment has cleared. Any lesson spots not paid in full, including late fee by the end of the month will not carry over into the next month. (If using ESA/Class Wallet please submit invoices early to allow for additional processing time.)
Cancellation Policy:
Beginner Group Classes: Billing is for 4 lessons monthly and any months that have 5 lesson weeks in them are either make-up days for a missed lesson or an extra lesson (4 extra lessons per calendar year). No other make-up lessons are offered for beginner groups. Any beginner classes displaced for stable closures for holidays or competitions will be rescheduled by the stable (Beginner classes will typically be rescheduled to a Saturday morning). If student chooses not to attend a rescheduled beginner class, no other make-up class or accommodation will be offered.
All Other Lessons: MUST be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance to qualify for a make-up lesson. Lessons cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice or no calls/no shows are charged full price for the missed lesson and do not qualify for a make-up class. Students that miss 2 lessons in a row without notice or excuse may lose their weekly spot should trainer have a wait-list for vacancies. If running late to a lesson please contact us, riders more than 15 minutes late with no notice will be marked absent from the lesson and may not be allowed to ride upon arrival.
For students needing to cancel or reschedule their lesson, a make-up lesson will be given to be used within 30 days of the missed lesson. It is the student's responsibility to contact us to schedule your make-up lesson. Should student choose to forgo a make-up lesson, no lesson credit will be given for the missed lesson. Make-up classes may be taken in any available class at rider’s current skill level. Should student choose not to attend make-up lesson accommodations offered by stable, no lesson credit will be given for the missed lesson. Saturday make-up lessons are extremely limited and may not be available depending on season. Stable does not offer any monetary credit for missed, cancelled or rescheduled lessons, and unpaid spots will not be held in the event of student's absence for any reason.
Vacations/Summer Break: Paid lesson spots will be held during student’s vacation; make-up classes can be taken before student’s absence or upon their return and fall under the same make-up policy outlined above, unless stated otherwise by trainer. Any students leaving the program that have not paid to hold their spot will be put on wait-list to return. (A spot on wait-list is not a guarantee of a specific time spot or of return to the program. Unpaid spots will not be held in the event of student’s absence for any reason.)
If discontinuing lessons, make-up lessons must be scheduled and used before the last day of the last month paid for. Make-up lessons DO NOT roll over as credit into the next month.
Lessons will be held rain or shine unless cancelled by trainer. If trainer cancels lessons for any reason, including illness or severe weather, students will be given a make-up lesson to be used within the same parameters outlined above. In the event that classes are cancelled, students will be notified via text message.
**In the event stable is closed for competitions or holiday: Tuition is for 4 lessons monthly and any months that have 5 lesson weeks in them are considered built in make-up days for stable closures (4 extra lessons per calendar year). Advanced notification will be given in the event the stable will be closed for holiday or competitions; these lessons will not be credited or offer make-up classes as they have not been charged for, i.e., the aforementioned 4 extra lessons per calendar year.
Show Lease:
Riders must lesson a minimum of 2x per week to be eligible to join the IAC Equestrian Team (Show Team) and to show lease a horse for off-site competitions. Make-up lessons for any missed or cancelled classes are MANDATORY before going to any off-site competitions and to remain in good standing with the team. Show leases are at trainer's discretion and dependent upon rider's skill level and horse availability.
Please visit our show policies page @ https://www.itsacinchhorsemanship.com/show-policies for complete details.
*Show leases are not required to participate at in-house shows hosted by It’s A Cinch Horsemanship, LLC.
Any adults or children that accompany you or your child to the stable from this day forward are your sole responsibility. It’s A Cinch Horsemanship, LLC is not responsible for any injury or damages to guests and will not be held liable. By signing this contract you agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless It’s A Cinch Horsemanship, LLC located @ 17735 S Mann Ave, Sahuarita, AZ 85629 and any and all of its employees, operators and affiliates for and from any litigation, claims, damages, expenses and or losses arising from their presence at It’s A Cinch Horsemanship, LLC.
Barn Rules:
Students and parents - Please read, memorize and abide by the following rules as we strive to give everyone a safe and fun learning experience. Rules and regulations are in place for the safety of all riders and horses. Barn rules are also posted on/in the tack room for easy reference.
2. Children MUST be supervised by a parent or legal guardian at ALL times.
3. For safety reasons, spectators must remain at the viewing area (picnic tables) while lessons or equine activities commence, and all children must remain under direct supervision by parent or guardian at ALL TIMES.
4. Children age 13 and over may be dropped off for activities with trainer’s consent.
5. Listen to your trainer and follow their instructions at all times. Riders not following instructions or acting in an unsafe or disrespectful manner will be asked to dismount or cease activity immediately. This rule is for your safety, the safety of other participants, and the horse’s well-being.
6. All riders regardless of age, participating in mounted activities at It’s A Cinch Horsemanship MUST wear an ASTM approved riding helmet at all times while mounted.
7. All riders MUST wear an ASTM approved riding helmet at all times while participating in activities or events on stable owned horses.
8. Do not enter arena or horse stalls/pens unless specifically instructed by your trainer.
9. Please do not bring any personal pets to the stable.
10. Please respect this property. Place trash in designated receptacles.
11. No running, screaming, loud noises, or horseplay. This includes while in direct contact with the horse as well as while in areas around the horses.
12. Please refrain from opening umbrellas while lessons are in progress as they can cause the horses to spook.
13. Ask before petting ANY of the horses or animals.
14. DO NOT feed ANYTHING to the horses. This includes any hay found on the ground. We appreciate your help in keeping our horses safe and healthy!
15. Do not enter goat pen or other any animal pens without permission.
16. When approaching a horse, speak softly so as not to startle it. A frightened horse may kick or pull back.
17. Approach horse from the side, never from directly in front or behind them.
18. Horses are to be tied in designated areas only.
19. Never cross in front of the horse while it is tied up.
20. After you enter any gate, close and latch it behind you.
21. Do not let tack drag in the dirt or leave bridles/reins on the ground. Please return your tack/supplies to the tack room when you are finished using them.