It's A Cinch Horsemanship, LLC
(520) 762-1096
(520) 425-6362
Show Policies
Competing at shows is a privilege, with a lot of time and effort invested, so please familiarize yourselves with the rules and requirements; they have been established to make showing a fun, safe, and rewarding experience for everyone.
1. Rider’s eligibility to compete is determined by the Instructor. Students must ride at least 2x per week to be eligible for off-site competitions or events. Considerations for show team are skill controlling the horse, safety, and riding ability. Make-up lessons for any missed or displaced classes are MANDATORY for show team members.
2. Students/members agree to assist with events. Including, but not limited to: Prepping and cleaning equipment, grooming and bathing the horses for shows, packing equipment in the trailer, and clean up after event concludes. Plan on being at the barn AT LEAST 3-4 hours the day before a show to prep your horse and equipment. (Parents are welcome to drop students off to be picked up later with trainer’s permission.) Show Team members not competing at a show will be expected to attend and volunteer/help their teammates.
4. Students agree to display good sportsmanship at all times. Students are EXPECTED to be respectful and courteous to all horses, parents, coaches, teammates and show staff at any and all competitions. This means; no yelling, crying, or taking out your frustrations on your horse. Any student acting disrespectful or abusive to horses/people at shows will be withdrawn from the remainder of the competition and all show fees will be forfeit. (Horse shows can be stressful situations and I guarantee your horse will not perform perfectly at every one of them. If you’re having a bad show, please consider it a learning opportunity and DO NOT take it out on your horse. We have a ZERO tolerance policy for being unkind to the horses at ANY time.)
5. Student is responsible for event fees. Competition fees will vary depending on the show. There is usually a $10-15 office fee and a class fee of $10-$15 per class entered for local shows. Riders are responsible for signing up for their classes and checking in at shows. Stalls run from $25-$40 per night.
6. All show fees must be paid in full prior to the day of the show. Invoices for show fees will be sent via PayPal invoice.
Show Leases and Hauling Fees:
Show Day Lease/Coaching fee is $50.00/student per day. Show Day Lease includes use of Lease Horse and All Tack.
Hauling Fees are as follows:
-Pima County Fairgrounds is a $45.00 hauling fee.
-Brandi Fenton Arena is a $55.00 hauling fee.
-Sonoita Fairgrounds is a $55.00 hauling fee.
-Wentz Point Arena is a $65.00 hauling fee.
If you have any questions, please call Kimberly @ (520) 425-6362
**Grooming Items needed for shows:
Curry Comb
Hard Brush
Soft Brush
Soft Cloth (at least 2)
Hoof Pick
Hoof Polish (Black for dark feet and legs, Clear for light feet and legs)
Rubber Bands (to match horse’s mane color)
Mane Comb (Barber comb, used to part hair with)
Mane and Tail Brush
Hair Gel or Mousse for braiding/banding
Fly Spray – TriTec 14 (silver bottle) or Endure (black bottle) ONLY for school horses please. We have had allergic reactions with other brands.
Show Sheen/Detangler for mane and tail
Spot remover for horses (optional and very helpful for light colored ponies)
Baby Oil (optional)
Baby Wipes
Cardboard to put horses hoof on to polish (optional)
Sunblock (for horses that have white face markings.)
Safety Pins
Bathing Kit:
Bucket, Sweat Scraper, Sponge, Shampoo and conditioner (tack store brand or drugstore is fine. I use suave kid’s since it is tear less.) Towels to dry with if you are bathing in cool weather. If bathing out at a show or at the fair you will also need a hose and hose nozzle. Some wash racks have hoses already and some don’t, so we usually play it safe and bring our own.
**These items will be yours to be used only by you at shows. Please mark everything clearly with your name so that there is no confusion on show days.
English Show Attire:
Junior (13 & Under)
English Show Shirt (white or light color)
Hunt Coat
Stock Pin
Breeches or Jodpurs
Paddock Boots or Tall Boots (Field boots with laces)
Black Helmet Cover
Hairnet or Showbow
Senior (14 & up)
English Show Shirt (white or light color)
Hunt Coat
Stock Pin
Breeches (Tan, beige or khaki only)
Tall boots (Field boots with laces)
Show Helmet or Helmet with Black Cover
Hairnet or Showbow
Don't forget the safety pins to pin your number on with!
Western Show Attire:
Junior (13 & Under)
Western Shirt or Horsemanship Top
Long Pants
Helmet Cover
Gloves (optional)
Western Show Chaps
Hairnet or Showbow
Senior (14 & up)
Western Shirt or Horsemanship Top
Long Pants
Helmet Cover (optional)
Gloves (optional)
Western Show Chaps
Hairnet or Showbow